Changing industry perceptions
‘Business Sales’ vision for the future of the Australian small business industry was ambitious, but so are they. After almost 30 years in the industry, they saw a need for an online business sales platform that specifically served the needs of business brokers and Australian business owners at a crucial point of transition that was typically plagued with uncertainty and complexity.
A Brand Diagnostic uncovered that, while they had quantifiable data on their competitors and the industry, deeper insights were needed to qualify who their audience was on a deeper level, and how they could build a brand that connects them with their audience in a way that supports their future vision for the business.
An evolution to support the desired future
A workshop with the leadership team helped to get greater clarity around the business’ core purpose, vision and values, as well as uncovering their ideal audiences and unpacking how their differentiating attributes will contribute to the industry. In-depth customer interviews also uncovered the mindset, motivators, triggers and behaviours of business sellers and buyers, helping to pull together detailed empathy and journey maps for a clearer understanding of their audiences wants and needs.
“Small business owners are true Aussie heroes. Together they are the engine room of our economy and the heart of our community. We owe it to each other to keep our small businesses moving, and we’re here to facilitate a great transition, from one owner to the next” Keiran James, Founder
As we got deeper, it became evident where Business Sales core values and beliefs connected in the truest and most authentic ways with their key audiences’. We also found a disconnect in perceptions and a need to change the narrative – to celebrate Australian business owners for their contributions to Australia’s small business economy as they transition onto their next, while keeping Australia’s small businesses alive and moving.
Strategically aligning a visual identity.
Once the brand’s foundations were established, a visual brand that could draw on the strength of their archetype – the genuine hero – was developed. The visual identity needed to feel uplifting and motivating with a sense of progress and flow, while still being humble and strong.