Reflecting on progress: project highlights

Things have been rolling along at Mezz as well as they can be in these times and we’ve been grateful to be involved in more meaningful projects with people we admire.

Reflecting on our progress is one of our goals this year, and the past few months have seen us achieve quite a lot as a team. As we move back to the office, we’re stopping to recognise this to help cultivate that all-important sense-of-progress that’s crucial to sustaining motivation (between home-schooling, an accessible pantry of snacks and a comfy bed in eyeshot from our work desks for the past few months we’ve needed all the motivation we can get!). Have you stopped to think about everything you’ve achieved lately?

It’s more important than ever to pause and reflect on your personal and professional progress, however big or small. Sit down with your team and list everything you’ve achieved amidst the chaos – we bet the list will probably be much longer than you think!

Here at Mezz, we’ve been working hard – from catching up with Sanitarium to pitch an exciting social initiative to starting a new strategic partnership with Leah Jay. Scroll down to read about what’s been keeping us busy. We hope this might inspire you to reflect on your own achievements as a team.

Ritual Chai – Soul Brewed in Bellingen

With the closure of cafes and restaurants, we’ve been working with Ritual Chai on a strategy to increase their direct-to-consumer sales. Shifting attention to the digital space, our idea to meet the needs of an audience who are currently bound at home seeking both peace and certainty is A Ritual Revival. We’re building a content plan based on storytelling to bring the brand to life, along with digital advertising and website improvements for better engagement. We’re continuing to work with the team to reveal the true Ritual Chai over the coming months.


Mezz Recognise Progress RitualChai1  Mezz Recognise Progress RitualChai2  Mezz Recognise Progress RitualChai3


Envisioning the future for Muchato Magazine

We’ve collaborated with the lovely Sharon, founder of Muchato Magazine, to help her plan the future for the publication. With a vision to be the leading wedding brand for African diaspora women, championing diversity and inclusion in the wedding industry, Muchato will inspire women to celebrate their authentic self and assure them they aren’t alone.


Muchato Magazine Real Wedding Pohot  Muchato Magazine


Pitching a social cause initiative to Sanitarium

We’ve partnered with the awesome people at OnTeam to bring together a strong collaboration for a great cause. We can’t reveal too much about it at the moment, but we’re grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to an initiative that is a win-win for all involved – from regional shelters that are working hard with the environment to revive our fauna after the bushfires, to local cafes who have been hit hard by the COVID-19 shutdowns. This initiative will help achieve positive outcomes for Australians and the environment – watch this space!


Cafe Photo  Fauna Photo


Partnering with Leah Jay

Leah Jay is the Hunter’s leading property management company and were the first to pioneer as a specialist property management service in Australia over 20 years ago. We’ve been privileged to get to know the people behind this successful business over the past few months and help them forge forward to lead the way in their industry. We’ve formed a strategic partnership and will be working alongside their Director, Cassandra, and her team to keep the brand at the forefront and embody their drive from the inside-out.


Leah Jay Logo  Cassandra Photo  Leah Jay Newcastle Office


Updating the Circuitlink Website

We’ve been doing business with Tony and Lindsay from Circuitlink for close to a decade now – from branding and product label design to digital and product photography. This year they decided it was time to update their website, transforming it from a very basic site to a much more informative resource for their customers. The platform we’ve just delivered is more functional for the organisation and can be built upon efficiently over time as their needs grow.


Circuitlink Website


Officially Launched Conscious Brands (International)

Back in 2016, we built a tool designed to activate a transformation towards purpose-driven, conscious brand leadership for an organisation. We want to see a world where business is leading the way to a more conscious, sustainable world. The Conscious Brand Assessment Tool is a tool that enables an entire workforce to assess their organisation and provide vital insights into the current state of consciousness, as well as gaps and opportunities for essential progress.

We’ve been testing the tool with organisations both here in Australia and overseas in the US and Canada for the past few years, but only recently launched Conscious Brands International officially, through a partnership with Canadian company – Conscious Brands. We have a big vision for the tool and we’re excited to move forward under one entity together to move the business world towards a conscious and sustainable future.


Mezz Recognise Progress ConsciousBrands


Amongst all that:

  • We home-schooled 9 children between us!
  • We all uncovered our Strengths as a team on StrengthsProfile, helping us to work together even better while we’re all separated at home
  • Completed the Annual Cotton Comparative Analysis Report for long-time clients, Boyce Chartered Accountants 
  • We launched our $10k Project Grant and received over 100 applications! Read about the winning application here
  • Launched the 2020 Impact Program and expanded it to take on more organisations doing good in the world 


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