Leadership, Culture & Meaningful Business with Luke Burrell

I love the story about the Wright brothers, they had nothing but a belief that they could do it. It’s similar to how we started Mezzanine.

Cutting through clutter

When you’ve got a clear purpose and meaning and you know who you’re talking to, I don’t think clutter and noise is a consideration. As soon as you start thinking noise and clutter, the human instinct is just to turn up the volume, pump up the frequency and all you’re doing is shouting at people. If you wanna create true followers and really connect with people, you have to think about it in the same way that you connect with your friends. You don’t go around yelling at your friends, you connect with them, you’re compassionate and considerate, and all those good things. You empathise with them and I think as brands we need to think of our potential customers and customers as friends.



To the despair of my team when they start I don’t give them any rules, I don’t tell them how things should be done. It’s difficult for them but I hope that it brings something new.
Amazing things come out of it!

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